Modern University

Revolutionizing Educational Asset Management

The Background

Modern University, known for its innovative approach to higher education, faced challenges in managing a wide range of digital assets including lecture materials, research, and multimedia content for online courses.

The Challenge

The university needed a DAM system that could facilitate easy access and sharing of educational content among faculty and students, while ensuring data security and intellectual property rights.

The Solution

Infinite Pixel was implemented, offering robust features like AI-powered search, seamless integration with existing educational platforms, and secure access controls across all of Modern University’s campuses.


Improved accessibility and organization of educational content, enhancing the learning experience for students.

Streamlined collaboration among faculty, fostering interdisciplinary research and teaching.

Increased efficiency in managing and updating course materials, saving time and resources.

Dr. Emily Nguyen

Associate Professor of Digital Media Studies

“Infinite Pixel has been a game-changer for our academic community. It's simplified how we manage and share educational resources, enhancing both teaching and research”